The SC Bandits VBC is establishing a High Performance Program this upcoming season for our top 15U to 18U teams. The main purpose of the HP program is to establish a higher commitment level in all areas of the sport of volleyball to better prepare our athletes for the next level and beyond.
Coaching Staffs for our inaugural HP teams:
18U National – Head Coach: Megan Kalbfleish – Asst. Coaches: Kim Quintanilla, Jeff Miller and Carissa Chapman.
17U National – Head Coach: Alex Nedin – Asst. Coaches: Doug Yuen and Jody Fedak.
16U National – Head Coach: Julie-Anne Milling – Asst Coaches: Bernie Diesbourg and Samantha Clements.
15U National – Head Coach: Christine Belcher – Asst Coaches: Kellen Morencie, and Molly Hearn.
18U Select – Head Coach: Jason Ray- Asst Coaches:Hailey Ray.
17U Select – Head Coach:Joe Prsa-Asst Coache:Cara Scholey.
16U Select – Head Coach:Jordyn Pranger-Asst Coaches:Quoc Khuong, Emilie Tracey.
15U Select – Head Coach:Carissa Chapman-Asst Coach-Gina Gural.
BANDIT NATIONAL TEAMS (15U-18U) are the highest level committment program. These teams are trained and coached by our most experienced staff members. It is expected that team members make this team their highest sports priority. Practices are 2-3 per week with the plan to compete in a minimum of 10-12 tournaments. Online physical conditioning will also be required, included and monitored. Training will be customized to the athlete taking into consideration and previous or existing injuries and available equipment. Training will be flexible with regards to when it’s done and will provide a progressive path to making major physical improvements.
BANDIT SELECT TEAMS (15U-18U) are advanced level teams that offer a convenient travel schedule with high-level competition. This level is ideal for players who play other high school sports but want to compete and train at a high level. Practices are 2 per week with the plan to compete in a minimum of 8-10 tournaments.
BANDIT TEAL/BLACK TEAMS (11U-14U) are elementary aged teams that are designed for beginning to intermediate players to learn the game and gain more experience. We are looking for multisport athletes that are interested in taking their game to the next level to become competitive club volleyball players and beyond. Practices are 2 per week with the plan to compete in a minimum of 6-10 tournaments.